Best in Pharmacy Awards 2020: Participation in the judging panel

“The role of the pharmacy as a channel of information, support, and care is proven to be even more important during the unique period we are experiencing. Therefore, highlighting and rewarding actions that aim at better informing, training, and educating pharmacists and pharmacy assistants gives them the proper recognition and added value. On our part, we strive to actively contribute to strengthening communication with the customer, cultivating a relationship of trust with their pharmacist, introducing innovative pharmaceutical care experiences for pharmacy customers—such as the Piktocare solution—and ensuring reliable information flow from pharmacies to patients. Congratulations to the nominees and of course the winners of the awards!” said Konstantinos Varsamos, Managing Partner of GET2WORK, as a member of the judging panel of the Best in Pharmacy Awards 2020.

The Best in Pharmacy Awards ceremony rewarded the best practices of businesses involved in the successful development, production, and distribution of products in the field. The most notable initiatives in marketing, innovation, packaging, sales, education, green entrepreneurship, and corporate social responsibility were awarded, reflecting the growth and promising future of the sector in Greece.

The Best in Pharmacy Awards 2020 ceremony and the announcement of the top distinctions of the year took place for the third consecutive year on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 (Boussias Communications | Pharmaceutical World).

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