With 161 registered executives from 43 companies, the 5th Digital4Pharma Training Day entitled “Value in use” was completed with great success, organized on Tuesday 3rd of July 2018 at OTE Academy, by GET2WORK, under the auspices of the Association of Pharmaceutical Companies of Greece, of the Panhellenic Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Hellenic Society of Pharmaceutical Management.
The most recognizable series of learning activities #Digital4Pharma, continues to develop rapidly the community of knowledge, experience and digital skills that was created with hundreds of executives in the life sciences and health industry, with common key interest to update and upgrade their skills on digital trends, new methods and modern marketing and multichannel communication practices.
During the 5th training day, the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on pharmaceutical marketing was discussed, special practices such as integrated digital campaigns in health, mobile applications for support & prevention, virtual reality applications for medical simulation & education were presented and it was given the opportunity to participants to develop knowledge and skills related to the use of LinkedIn, the creation of content for social media, the use of up-and-coming instant messaging and the implementation of video marketing campaigns.
PHOTOS: facebook.com/digital4pharma