The best way to predict the future is to invent it…This is the growth mindset of hundreds of executives in the field of life sciences and healthcare who in the past five years are developing the community of #Digital4Pharma learning activities and through continuous learning strengthen their business strategy.
With such culture and extra mood for further evolution, innovation and growth on Wednesday, July 10th 2019, GET2WORK organized the 6th #Digital4Pharma training day entitled “Future Accepted“, under the auspices of the Association of Pharmaceutical Companies of Greece, the Panhellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Industry, the Pharma Innovation Forum, the Association of Consumer Drug Companies and the Hellenic Society of Pharmaceutical Management.
The event started by stimulating our thinking about emerging trends such as building customer trust, the transition from “share of voice” to “share of life” and the contribution of artificial intelligence and gamification in improving the relationship with the customer :
According to the data presented by Nikolaos Kyrezis, Marketing Deputy Director of National Bank and Research Fellow of the Athens University of Economics and Business, 56% of consumers consider the customer experience an important reason for trust of a brand, while 38% consider the social contribution.
Sofia Alexandraki, Knowledge Architecture Director at Global Commercial Operations EMEA | Pfizer Global, described how artificial intelligence improves the personalization and simplification of the customer experience, and referred to available artificial intelligence applications that help with medical diagnosis, emergency and complex management, and patient care management.
Participants, using the innovative Atrivity platform, participated in the Digital4Pharma Quiz Challenge, a highly experiential knowledge competition that highlighted the contribution of gamification to knowledge growth (> 20%) and customer engagement.
In the second section of the event, local executives of leading life sciences companies (GSK, MSD, Novartis, SANOFI) presented real cases confirming the digital feasibility, whether it concerns the use of augmented reality tools by sales teams, or the use of effective technologies in scientific conferences and medical education or the use of social media for public disease awareness purposes.
We also presented the findings of our recent study on the performance of (sell-out) pop-up messages in pharmacies, which based on Pharmacy Insights sales data resulted in an average of 15% increase in unit sales.
As always in the last part of the training day we focused on developing our digital skills in necessary and modern methods, tools and practices such as experiential marketing, video marketing, digital touchpoints in patient support journey, creating digital assistants using chatbots and in the field of big data health, studying the patterns of switches in pharmacotherapy.
Among the highlights of this year’s event, was our new team member, eSofia our digital assistant, who throughout the day informed, guided and interacted with the participants.
The 6th #Digital4Pharma training day entitled “Future Accepted” had over 180 executives of the wider field of medicine who accept that the future – as well as the present – in communication and education of healthcare stakeholders is not what it was!
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