During the last 7 years, #Digital4Pharma through its learning activities, grows in the market a digital mindset and empowers its community members in:
- Assessing their digital maturity and readiness
- Defining their digital vision
- Developing digital skills and competences
- Gaining confidence in digital adoption
- Succeeding with digital in action
The era we are going through now, has highlighted the possibility of digital channels to expand the total points of contact with the “customer”. At the same time, it further matured the market in the implementation of omni-channel communication.
This year’s learning agenda emphasizes the value of knowing:
- your “customer” as best you can,
- the routes and media that follows for information and
- various ways to improve his experiences
Welcome to the virtual training space of the #Digital4Pharma executives’ community, which will host a series of relevant live sessions.
Live session 1 (Friday, 09th of July 2021, 10:00-11:50): ‘’Knowledge Journey’’ | Talks
- Omni-channel: Message sent, but received?
- Design your content plan through customer journey mapping
- Managing social media campaigns for patients
- Reimagining medical education
Live session 2 (Friday, 16th of July, 2021, 10:00-11:50): ‘’Community based gamification impact in healthcare’’ | Panel & QA
Live session 3 (Friday, 08th of October , 2021, 10:00-11:50): ‘’Releasing digital experience’’ | Panel & QA
#Digital4Pharma learning community is mainly constituted by executives in the functions of Brand, Product, Commercial, Sales, Marketing, Communication, Customer Engagement, Digital, Multichannel, Medical, Compliance, IT, HR or Purchasing.
Learning activity #Digital4Pharma is organized by GET2WORK, under the auspices of E.E.Fa.M
For participation entries please call (+30)211 1069373 or email us at [email protected]