On Tuesday, July 5th 2022 the Digital4Pharm learning activity was live with a one day educational event. Over the last 9 years this learning initiative has been transformed to a community of pharmaceutical executives that advances digital innovation, shares digital practices and develops digital skills.
This year the community gathering returned to its physical dimension giving the opportunity for physical interaction and networking. So, over 120 participants, from 20+ pharmaceutical companies, were mostly (2/3) physically present at the event venue (Amphitheater and workshop rooms).
The primary focus was how to accomplish a more effective reconnection with the audience of pharmaceutical market. The event managed to showcase new prospects, practices and experiences attempting to define community’s direction anew.
More specifically, during the first part the conditions, needs and challenges of patients, physicians, nurses, and pharmacists were in the limelight through representative presentations. The second part was dedicated to the presentation and discussion of contemporary digital practices by members of pharmaceutical companies.

At the second half of the day, participants, depending on their interests and role, took part in interactive sessions and thematic workshops aiming at developing their digital capabilities, knowledge and skills.