Pharmacies during the pandemic…

Studying the private pharmacy market in units during the Pre and COVID periods, based on sales data from Pharmacy Insights Hellas from a weighted panel of pharmacies across the country, it is revealed that:

➖ Overall, the pharmacy market for prescription and OTC products experienced a decline of -2.2%.

➖ Prescription medications showed good performance with a +3.2% increase.

➖ OTC products had a significant decrease of -8.1%.

According to the detailed data:

➖ The pulmonology category experienced the largest decline, with -15.1% in reimbursed products and -36.3% in OTC products.

➖ Gaining categories are:

◾ Digestive system and metabolism (+5.8%) in reimbursed products

◾ Dermatological products (+7.6%) in OTC products.

In conclusion, pharmacy visitors were limited to fulfilling prescriptions, partially abandoning self-care purchases, a trend that is also confirmed by the decline in the para-pharmaceutical market.

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